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Create New Student Profile

Profile must be created for the person attending the class

Profile Creation tips:
  • Use your (or student) legal name.
  • To receive class confirmations details and receipts, include a valid email. 
  • To receive text communications, opt in on tab two.
  • Add your (or student) address, any official documents will be sent to the one provided.
  • Profiles cannot be shared amongst others in a company, household, etc.  Each student must have their own profile, changing the profile to another student name is prohibited  
  • Learners under the age of 18 are not permitted to enroll in non-youth courses unless otherwise specified in the class description. 
* denotes required information.

Username: minimum 6 characters
Password: minimum 12 characters, must contain a number and any two of the following three: upper case, lower case, special characters (for example: (){}!@$%^&*)
 Privacy Policy

Social Security Number

Some professional licensures require SSN example (999999999) do not add only partial SS numbers.
Colleague Number (k no.)

do not use the leading k and number must be 7 digits long example 0000000
Identity not listed
Prefer not to disclose

Primary Address
Secondary Address

Additional phone
Receive text communications? *
Text communications number *
Receive text notifications for
Use Ctrl key with mouse click to select or unselect multiple options
Mail preference
May we include you on our mailing lists?
Yes No
E-mail Preference
Yes No
Receive promotions via email

If your company is not available in the list, select ** Add Company ** and you will be prompted to add your company's information after submitting this form.
Company Type
Educational Level
Type 1-Professional License Type
Type 1-Professional License Number

Professional license number for state recertification
Type 1-Professional License Number Expiration Date

State that Professional License has been issued
NREMT Registration Number

Applicable to people who are currently certified by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Tech
NREMT Re-Registration Date

Type 2-Professional License Type
Type 2-Professional License Number

Professional license number for state recertification
Type 2-Professional License Number Expiration Date
