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Transportation >> Driver Improvement Program
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Transportation >> Driver Improvement Program

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This class is for someone who has either received three moving traffic convictions during a 12-month period, been convicted of a serious violation, or ...  View More

Please read: Students with limited English proficiency ...More

Start date: 03/29/25

End date: 03/29/25

Schedule : Weekly - Sat 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM; starting 3/29/2025, ending 3/29/2025

Location : Cedar Rapids, Kirkwood Continuing Education Training Center Location : 
  Cedar Rapids, Kirkwood Continuing Education Training Center.

Room :  1208

Instructor : David Ball 

Tuition: $125.00

Materials Cost: $0.00

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This class is for someone who has either received three moving traffic convictions during a 12-month period, been convicted of a serious violation, or ...  View More

Please read: Students with limited English proficiency ...More

Start date: 04/15/25

End date: 04/16/25

Schedule : Weekly - Tue, Wed 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM; 2 sessions; starting 4/15/2025, ending 4/16/2025

Location : Cedar Rapids, Kirkwood Continuing Education Training Center Location : 
  Cedar Rapids, Kirkwood Continuing Education Training Center.

Room :  1208

Instructor : Randy Cole 

Tuition: $125.00

Materials Cost: $0.00

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This class is for someone who has either received three moving traffic convictions during a 12-month period, been convicted of a serious violation, or ...  View More

Please read: Students with limited English proficiency ...More

Start date: 04/19/25

End date: 04/19/25

Schedule : Weekly - Sat 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM; starting 4/19/2025, ending 4/19/2025

Location : Coralville, Kirkwood Regional Center at the University of Iowa Location : 
  Coralville, Kirkwood Regional Center at the University of Iowa.

Room :  300

Instructor : Shane Kron 

Tuition: $125.00

Materials Cost: $0.00

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This class is for someone who has either received three moving traffic convictions during a 12-month period, been convicted of a serious violation, or ...  View More

Please read: Students with limited English proficiency ...More

Start date: 04/26/25

End date: 04/26/25

Schedule : Weekly - Sat 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM; starting 4/26/2025, ending 4/26/2025

Location : Cedar Rapids, Kirkwood Continuing Education Training Center Location : 
  Cedar Rapids, Kirkwood Continuing Education Training Center.

Room :  1204

Instructor : David Ball 

Tuition: $125.00

Materials Cost: $0.00

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This class is for someone who has either received three moving traffic convictions during a 12-month period, been convicted of a serious violation, or ...  View More

Please read: Students with limited English proficiency ...More

Start date: 05/13/25

End date: 05/14/25

Schedule : Weekly - Tue, Wed 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM; 2 sessions; starting 5/13/2025, ending 5/14/2025

Location : Cedar Rapids, Kirkwood Continuing Education Training Center Location : 
  Cedar Rapids, Kirkwood Continuing Education Training Center.

Room :  1208

Instructor : Randy Cole 

Tuition: $125.00

Materials Cost: $0.00

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This class is for someone who has either received three moving traffic convictions during a 12-month period, been convicted of a serious violation, or ...  View More

Please read: Students with limited English proficiency ...More

Start date: 05/17/25

End date: 05/17/25

Schedule : Weekly - Sat 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM; starting 5/17/2025, ending 5/17/2025

Location : Coralville, Kirkwood Regional Center at the University of Iowa Location : 
  Coralville, Kirkwood Regional Center at the University of Iowa.

Room :  300

Instructor : David Ball 

Tuition: $125.00

Materials Cost: $0.00

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This class is for someone who has either received three moving traffic convictions during a 12-month period, been convicted of a serious violation, or ...  View More

Please read: Students with limited English proficiency ...More

Start date: 05/31/25

End date: 05/31/25

Schedule : Weekly - Sat 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM; starting 5/31/2025, ending 5/31/2025

Location : Cedar Rapids, Kirkwood Continuing Education Training Center Location : 
  Cedar Rapids, Kirkwood Continuing Education Training Center.

Room :  1208

Instructor : Randy Cole 

Tuition: $125.00

Materials Cost: $0.00

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This class is for someone who has either received three moving traffic convictions during a 12-month period, been convicted of a serious violation, or ...  View More

Please read: Students with limited English proficiency ...More

Start date: 06/07/25

End date: 06/07/25

Schedule : Weekly - Sat 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM; starting 6/7/2025, ending 6/7/2025

Location : Coralville, Kirkwood Regional Center at the University of Iowa Location : 
  Coralville, Kirkwood Regional Center at the University of Iowa.

Room :  300

Instructor : Shane Kron 

Tuition: $125.00

Materials Cost: $0.00

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This class is for someone who has either received three moving traffic convictions during a 12-month period, been convicted of a serious violation, or ...  View More

Please read: Students with limited English proficiency ...More

Start date: 06/10/25

End date: 06/11/25

Schedule : Weekly - Tue, Wed 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM; 2 sessions; starting 6/10/2025, ending 6/11/2025

Location : Cedar Rapids, Kirkwood Continuing Education Training Center Location : 
  Cedar Rapids, Kirkwood Continuing Education Training Center.

Room :  1208

Instructor : Dawn Wessels 

Tuition: $125.00

Materials Cost: $0.00

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This class is for someone who has either received three moving traffic convictions during a 12-month period, been convicted of a serious violation, or ...  View More

Please read: Students with limited English proficiency ...More

Start date: 06/21/25

End date: 06/21/25

Schedule : Weekly - Sat 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM; starting 6/21/2025, ending 6/21/2025

Location : Cedar Rapids, Kirkwood Continuing Education Training Center Location : 
  Cedar Rapids, Kirkwood Continuing Education Training Center.

Room :  1204

Instructor : David Ball 

Tuition: $125.00

Materials Cost: $0.00

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This class is for someone who has either received three moving traffic convictions during a 12-month period, been convicted of a serious violation, or ...  View More

Please read: Students with limited English proficiency ...More

Start date: 07/12/25

End date: 07/12/25

Schedule : Weekly - Sat 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM; starting 7/12/2025, ending 7/12/2025

Location : Coralville, Kirkwood Regional Center at the University of Iowa Location : 
  Coralville, Kirkwood Regional Center at the University of Iowa.

Room :  300

Instructor : Randy Cole 

Tuition: $125.00

Materials Cost: $0.00

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This class is for someone who has either received three moving traffic convictions during a 12-month period, been convicted of a serious violation, or ...  View More

Please read: Students with limited English proficiency ...More

Start date: 07/15/25

End date: 07/16/25

Schedule : Weekly - Tue, Wed 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM; 2 sessions; starting 7/15/2025, ending 7/16/2025

Location : Cedar Rapids, Kirkwood Continuing Education Training Center Location : 
  Cedar Rapids, Kirkwood Continuing Education Training Center.

Room :  1208

Instructor : Dawn Wessels 

Tuition: $125.00

Materials Cost: $0.00

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