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Cinnamon Rolls

Course number : CLFB-0402   ID : 149113   
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Nothing smells quite as delicious as freshly baked cinnamon rolls. Learn the process of making our classic family recipe for overnight cinnamon rolls that lets you start a batch in the evening, then bake and serve warms rolls the next morning. This sweet dough recipe can be easily adapted to make pecan rolls or caramel rolls. Bring a 9x13 pan to take your rolls home to bake the following day. $12 materials fee per student, due at start of class.

Class Details

1 Session(s)
Weekly - Wed

Mid-Prairie High School

Glenda Seward 

CEUs : 0.3



Please read:  Mid-Prairie Disclaimer: This class is NOT a Mid-Prairie School District sponsored event. The school district makes no endorsement on the quality of the activity or of the individuals and/or group that is sponsoring or involved with this activity. Students are encouraged to investigate this opportunity for themselves to judge the appropriateness of the activity. $12 materials fee due to the instructor at class.



Registration Closes On
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 @ 12:00 AM

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s) Instructional Method
2/12/2025 - 2/12/2025 Weekly - Wed 05:30 PM - 08:00 PM Wellman, Mid-Prairie High School  Map, Room: Family & Consumer Sciences Culinary Lab Glenda Seward  ClassRoom

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