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EFDA: Monitoring of Nitrous Oxide Inhalation Analgesia with a Dental Patient (online)

Course number : CHDE-5650   ID : 149199   
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This online course provides students with an awareness of the indications and contraindications for nitrous oxide use, a working knowledge of the equipment, an understanding of the procedure for administering nitrous oxide analgesia, and preparation to monitor nitrous oxide analgesia inhalation in a dental office. Coursework is completed online through directed text readings along with evaluation measures and completion of laboratory and clinical skills within the student's dental office under the supervision of a dentist. The applicant must be currently employed in a dental office where this function is conducted. This course may be taken independently or with the full EFDA Grad or Non-Grad course. Upon acceptance into this course, the student will be emailed information on scheduling a required orientation meeting with the instructor. Once the orientation is complete, the student will be approved to begin the coursework and they will have 6-months to complete the readings, evaluation measures, and clinical documentation sheets. Orientation must be completed within 4 weeks of registration. There will be on-line quizzes and a final test required to complete the course. Iowa Dental Board-approved Continuing Education Hours (CEHs) will be awarded along with a certificate of completion.
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Class Details

0 Session(s)

NA - Online

Kristee Malmberg 

CEUs : 1.2

Start Date:upon registration



Please read:  Your log in information will be sent to you via email approximately 1 hour after registration. Email subject line: EFDA: Monitoring of Nitrous Oxide Inhalation Analgesia with a Dental Patient log in information. Students should visit in order to obtain the necessary registration forms for this program. Forms must be completed when returned with payment. Forms will be reviewed to determine eligibility before the registration process is complete. Technology requirements: classes can be taken on computer devices using the most up-to-date version of Safari, Chrome, or Firefox. Tablet devices can also be used with the following stipulations: Apple products must access the class using Safari and android devices must use Google Chrome.



Registration Closes On
Monday, June 30, 2025 @ 11:59 PM

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s) Instructional Method
N/A - Online Kristee Malmberg  Online