Please read:
The details below must be presented to your instructor the first week of class. If these requirements are not met, you will not be able to continue in the course and no refund will be issued. Clinical requirements are subject to change.
- Physical (form can be found at
- Copy of immunization records including a seasonal influenza vaccination (required only Oct. -
Mar.) and documentation of two negative Mantoux TB tests
OR one Quantiferon Gold blood test. For the Mantoux TB tests, one must be within 11
months of the start of clinic
- Required book: Hartman's Nursing Assistant Care: The Basics, 6th edition by Hedman
ISBN # 978-1-60425-141-8
Lab/Clinical Requirements are as follows:
- Scrubs
- Closed toe, non canvas, non slip shoes
- Watch with a second hand
A non-refundable background check fee of $20.00 is included in tuition. Your log in information will be sent to you via email one day after the class start date. Email subject line: Nurse Aide Training class log in information. Technology requirements: classes can be taken on computer devices using the most up-to-date version of Safari, Chrome, or Firefox. Tablet devices can also be used with the following stipulations: Apple products must access the class using Safari and android devices must use Google Chrome.