Please read:
All applicants must be 18 years within 1 year of course registration and have evidence of high school diploma or equivalent within 1 year of course registration. Costs associated with the program that are not included in the tuition: textbook and any additional fees that may be associated with the health requirements (CPR, Health Physical) current through the end of the clinical rotations. Textbooks required: Phlebotomy Essentials, 8th Edition, McCall, ISBN-13: 9781284263480; and Student Workbook for Phlebotomy Essentials, 8th Edition ISBN-13:9781284263565. Both available at Kirkwood Bookstores. Your log in information will be sent to you via email two days prior to the class start date. Email subject line: Phlebotomist Training Course class log in information. Students must adhere to the attendance policy where no more than two classes may be missed during the Phlebotomy Program and no more than two clinical shifts missed. Please note that evening or weekend hours are NOT available for the required 80-hour clinical experience. High school students will be scheduled for clinicals after their spring semester has ended. Clinical sites are located throughout Kirkwood's seven county area, with assignment to clinical sites by random selection. Students should not expect that their clinical site will be in the same city as their class. Students are responsible for their own transportation to their clinical assignment. Guidelines and student expectations for the clinical experience, including the background check process and health requirements, will be explained during the first week of class.