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Cranial Sacral Therapy for ENT

Course number : CHNC-1000   ID : 151809   
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Explore specialized cranial sacral techniques focused on the ear, nose, and throat. Learn methods for addressing the jaw, ears, and nasal regions, while incorporating the therapeutic application of the cranial nerves. Enhance your client** overall well-being through classroom activities with lectures, instructor demonstrations, class discussion and hands-on trades.

Educational objectives:
1.    Identify the 13 cranial nerves, location and innervation.
2.    Demonstrate the ability to palpate the cranial nerves
3.    Identify symptoms & pain patterns relating to the cranial nerves
4.    Describe the relationship of trauma to pain in the cranial nerve system.

Instructor: Empowered Healing Institute: Wahneta Dimmer, LMT.

Class Details

1 Session(s)
Weekly - Thu

Empowered Healing Institute


CEUs : 0.42



Please read:  To obtain 4 CEHs (Massage Therapists, Dental Hygienists, Dental Assistants, or Dentists) associated with this workshop, the professional will need to check-in at the start of the workshop, attend the session in its entirety, check-out at the completion of the workshop, and complete the program evaluation form. Partial credit will not be awarded. The professional successfully meeting these requirements will receive a Certificate of Completion indicating the CEH's awarded for their profession by email. All allied health professionals are reminded that they are responsible for reviewing the governing rules of their boards to determine if appropriate subject matter criteria will apply. NCTMB Certificate available upon request. Participants should bring, a notebook and writing instrument for taking notes and a set of sheets.



Registration Closes On
Thursday, April 17, 2025 @ 12:00 AM

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s) Instructional Method
4/17/2025 - 4/17/2025 Weekly - Thu 06:00 PM - 09:30 PM Cedar Rapids, Empowered Healing Institute  Map, Room: Classroom TBA  ClassRoom

Other Class Offerings

Side-lying Prenatal Massage
ID: 151806

04/12/25 - 04/12/25
Weekly - Sat
1 session

Empowered Healing Institute
