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Excel Pro: Mastering Advanced Techniques

Course number : CCOP-2603   ID : 151832   
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This comprehensive and advanced course is designed to help participants unlock the full potential of Microsoft Excel. This class is ideal for individuals who have a good understanding of basic Excel functions and are looking to expand their skillset. The course covers advanced topics such as macros, pivot tables, complex formulas and functions, and data visualization techniques. Participants will learn how to automate tasks, perform sophisticated data analysis, and transform data into meaningful insights. The class will be taught by experienced Excel professionals and will be hands-on, with ample opportunities for participants to practice their newfound skills. By the end of the course, participants will have the knowledge and confidence to tackle even the most complex data problems. Prerequisite: Must have an advanced understanding of Excel. Textbook is provided.

Class Details

4 Session(s)
Weekly - Tue, Thu

Kirkwood Center for Lifelong Learning

Brienne Eastwood 

CEUs : 0.96



Please read:  Prerequisite: Must be proficient in navigation of Microsoft Excel.



Registration Closes On
Monday, August 4, 2025 @ 12:00 AM

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s) Instructional Method
8/5/2025 - 8/14/2025 Weekly - Tue, Thu 05:30 PM - 07:30 PM Cedar Rapids, Kirkwood Center for Lifelong Learning  Map, Room: 412 Brienne Eastwood  ClassRoom

Other Class Offerings

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03/03/25 - 03/12/25
Weekly - Mon, Wed
4 sessions.

Call 800-332-8833 to register
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ID: 148904

05/06/25 - 05/15/25
Weekly - Tue, Thu
4 sessions.