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American Mah Jongg

Course number : CLLE-1017   ID : 152014   
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One bam... two crak! Never heard those words? You'll not only learn what they mean, but you'll also discover an exciting game that is experiencing a resurgence in popularity. Mah Jongg is centuries-old Chinese game played with tiles. You will learn the American version according the National Mah Jongg League (NMJL) guidelines. In American Mah Jongg, each player picks a hand of 13 tiles engraved with Chinese characters and symbols from different suits (bams, dots, and craks) as well as wind, flower, and dragon tiles. Players then take turns drawing and discarding tiles until one player completes a hand and calls out "mahjong!" The game is a combination of skill, strategy and luck. This class will teach basic fundamental components of the game, including identification and distribution of the tiles, how to interpret the NMJL card, rules, and strategy.

Class Details

4 Session(s)
Weekly - Wed

Linn County Regional Center

Wanda Johnson 

CEUs : 0.96



Please read:  Class on 6/11 will be held in Room 216.



Registration Closes On
Wednesday, June 4, 2025 @ 12:00 AM

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s) Instructional Method
6/4/2025 - 6/25/2025 Weekly - Wed 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM Hiawatha, Linn County Regional Center  Map, Room: 815 Wanda Johnson  ClassRoom

Other Class Offerings

American Mah Jongg
ID: 152015

07/30/25 - 08/20/25
Weekly - Wed
4 sessions.