This course is designed to prepare the licensed practical nurse to perform procedures related to the expanded scope of intravenous therapy, using a peripheral intravenous catheter, a midline catheter, and a peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC line), in a licensed hospital, a nursing facility, and a certified end-stage renal dialysis unit as identified in 655 IAC Chapter 6. Major emphasis is placed on the specialized skills needed to provide intravenous therapy related to the expanded scope of the licensed practical nurse for clients who are age 12 or older and for clients who weigh 80 pounds or more. During this course the licensed practical nurse will learn: The major legal implications of intravenous therapy (IV) relative to Iowa Code chapter 152 and 655 IAC Chapters 4 and 6, select IV devices used in administering intravenous solutions and drugs, indicating the criteria for use, precautions, complications of each, and documentation of equipment used, be knowledgeable of the anatomy and physiology of central veins, select peripheral veins used for venipuncture, locating each, and listing factors that influence their size and condition for use, perform nursing responsibilities in preparation for and during venipuncture, maintenance and care of the client with an IV infusion in simulated and clinical situations, according to agency policy, with appropriate supervision, demonstrate the principles of infection control, manage IV therapy to decrease the risk of complications, summarize the fundamentals of fluid and electrolyte metabolism, listing principals of fluid therapy and classification of intravenous fluids, analyze the major drugs used intravenously, giving precautions, dose and effects, rate of infusion, side effects and reactions, factors controlling stability and compatibility, preparation, and administration of each drug, demonstrate correct technique in preparation for and during venipuncture and the maintenance and care of the client with an infusion in a simulated laboratory setting and in a clinical setting in accordance with 655 IAC Chapter 6, demonstrate the maintenance and care of the client with a peripheral; midline, or PICC line site and/or infusion, in a simulated laboratory setting and in a clinical setting in accordance with 655 IAC Chapter 6, and perform techniques for preparing and administering IV solutions and additives in simulated and clinical situations with appropriate supervision, according to agency policy.
PREREQUISITES: 1) Unrestricted Iowa nursing license as a licensed practical nurse, 2) Documented 1040 hours as a LPN, currently employed in a licensed hospital, licensed skilled nursing facility, or a certified end-stage renal dialysis unit whose written policies and procedures allow the licensed practical nurse to perform procedures related to the expanded scope of intravenous therapy, and 3) completed agency agreement. Contact Kimberly Klein at Kirkwood Community College Continuing Education,, if you have any questions. All prerequisites need to be completed and returned no later than 1 business week prior to the start of the course. Once satisfactory documentation of the prerequisites have been met and payment has been received, the student will be enrolled in the course. Required Textbook: *Infusion Therapy Made Incredibly Easy!* 5th edition, ISBN-13: 978-1496355010. Students will need to purchase on their own; Book is available at Kirkwood Bookstores. Nursing Contact Hours: 43 Licensed Practical Nurse. 100% attendance required. Continuing Education will be awarded upon satisfactory completion of both the didactic and lab/clinical portions of the course. Documentation of course completion shall be maintained by the licensed practical nurse and their employer. Approved by Iowa Board of Nursing Provider #30.